I like this thermometer. The designing is fantastic, and the multipurpose button (to turn it on, off, change from C to F and back), and the bendable tip (I'm going to presume that's for babies, but it's really awesome). However, my problem comes with the actual use, which is why I'm giving this a 4 stars. It's partly correct. I have two other thermometers at home, and I have found to work equally as well, and both give me results very close to each other (off by .1 or .2 degrees F). However, this has pretty massive differences (the closest that I ever got was .3 and the farthest was 1.4). So, still, that's not all the way off, however, that's not good either. Assuming my previous ones are pretty accurate, and I am pretty sure they are if two of them are saying the same thing. This is the sole reason I am taking off a star. I might just have a faulty unit, because others haven't experienced this, as I see from the reviews.
Sample provided for review.
You can buy it at: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018B8YQNY
Sample provided for review.
You can buy it at: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018B8YQNY
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