At the end of class today, there was a question asked by Mary (blogpost at: about the Zapruder film. I don’t remember the exact wordings, but it was somewhere along the lines of “So it seems that everyone is in agreement that the Zapruder film has just brought up more controversies and conspiracies. Does anyone think that it is good that the Zapruder film is there?” Now I know the question wasn’t that but that’s how I interpreted it (haha that’s why I said “somewhere along the lines of..”) and that’s the question I will talk about during this blog. Now I wasn’t able to give a nice smartass response because of lack of time and my mentioning of the Zapruder film on IMDB (more on that below. If you don’t want to ready my awesome zestful points which show why I am right (and y’all are wrong, just kidding lol), then just skip to the bottom, with no zest).
Conspiracy theories. Lots of those, right, over the JFK assassination? Yes, that’s true. But do you think there were none before the Zapruder film? Of course there were. There were eyewitnesses, the Warren Commision. Even when the Warren Commision came out, the majority of people did not think it was the full story, and this was before the introduction of the Zapruder film to the general public. After the introduction of the film, many theories such as the theory of only one bullet, or even more, where the president was hit, and such things were debated. Sure, the Zapruder film is the root of most conspiracy theories nowadays, but it has helped solve some mysteries too. And on the subject of multiple theories: do you expect there to be no theories? Does that ever happen with ANY assassination? And there should be many more theories for this, because there is a reason it is called as the most horrific 26 seconds of the 20th century. Whether it be actually true, or theories simply put out to confuse others ( or blaming other opposition countries etc), it doesn’t mean that the Zapruder film is bad or shouldn’t have been there.
Moreover, keeping aside the conspiracy theories, the Zapruder film is one that shows the assassination of the United States President. Considering that the United States considers itself as an omnipotent power, this comes to a shock of not only the American public, but also the world. Writings and narratives can only show you so much. Even with bad pixelation, no sound, and being really old, it brings the truth. No one, and this is important, says that Frame 313 is fake. No one. Because every single eyewitness remembers that scene vividly. It’s just like 9/11 for people that were alive and paying attention (more on that on Mary’s blog). That brings me to my final point, the one you’ve all been waiting for. IMDB.
For a while I’ve been trying to bring this up in class, but I just didn’t find the right time. So, today, I decided to talk about it. Yes, its true. With a rating of 7.9/10 (anything on IMDB that is 8+ rating is by definition a must watch awesome piece of artwork; that doesn’t mean those below it aren’t, they are also good (obviously, the higher the ranking, the better)) and casting JFK and Jackie Kennedy and winner of the national film registry award, IMDB has some cool facts and trivia attached to the Zapruder film. For example, when watching the Zapruder film, we see Jackie Kennedy jumping on the trunk of the car, and I thought she was doing that for self-protection. IMDB says “When the film was released publicly in 1975 many people assumed that Mrs. Kennedy jumped on the trunk after the shooting because she was frightened and trying to get out of the way. Some years later the secret service that jumped onto the bumper revealed that she was actually trying to retrieve a piece of the president's head that had landed on the back of the car” and that “Although Abraham Zapruder made a profit from selling the film, he was so disturbed by the nightmare he had filmed that he did not keep a copy. He never owned or used another camera again.” See it for yourself at